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podcast team

Alissa Hessler - Creator, Host & Executive Producer
Simone Leon - Producer
Benjamin Bethurum - Music
Johnny Sohl - Editor
If you are a brand or small business that appreciates the work we do, and the community Urban Exodus has cultivated, we would love to bring you on as a podcast sponsor. Expand your customer base by engaging with our international community of country dreamers, urban and suburban growers and rural dwellers. ​
Please email us to inquire about securing a sponsorship spot for an upcoming episode. All sponsorships must be secured at least a week before the episode airs.
Help support this important programming and reach our engaged +40k (and growing) audience of listeners. There are three sponsorship opportunities available each episode. In addition to the 20-second spot, you will also be mentioned on social media promotions for the episode. If you would like us to write your sponsorship ad for you, an additional $50 will be added to the ad fee.
Pre-Roll Per Episode: $300 (20 second spot)
If you would like to secure pre, mid or post role spots on multiple episodes we would be happy to discuss a tailored multi-episode sponsorship rate.
CLICK HERE to download our sponsorship deck.
season 2 line-up
Season 1
Pitch a show
We are always on the lookout for inspiring stories. Please email us to pitch your idea for an upcoming episode.
We are a very small team and receive a significant amount of inquiries. Please do not get discouraged if we do not get back to you. Feel free to reach back out again if you don't hear from us the first time.
If you are interested in promoting your business or brand please consider sponsoring an episode or hiring us to do a brand photography or video collaboration. Visit our collaborations and partnerships pages to learn more about our in-house creative services and brand partnership opportunities.
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