Meet The Culinary Farmer, a former NYC chef turned North Carolina speciality grower
Goat dairy gamble: A cross-country move to Rural Maine with 40 animals along for the ride @coppertailfarm
Five Marys Farms: Silicon Valley small-business entreprenuers relocate to the country to build a family ranch business from scratch
Rough Draft Farmstead: A NYC sommelier and Chicago artist leave the city, meet while learning to farm and build their off-grid home in Kentucky
Skinny Jakes Fat Honey: An urban beekeeper and lawyer relocate to rural Minnesota to build an organic farm in a sea of conventional corn and soybean fields
A NYC chef leaves the city to farm in Appalachia
Big Picture Farm: An artist and a writer leave academia to build a goat milk confectionery business in the lush mountains of Vermont
Odd Alewives Brewery: Art professors leave Baltimore academia to build a craft brewery in rural Maine